I don’t like to think about writer’s block. I’m not even sure it’s a real thing. I just know that sometimes I have trouble finishing a story. Weeks can pass when even though I think I want to write the story... I just don’t. I have a writer friend who believes that even when you’re not working on your story, your subconscious is. I don’t know if that’s true for me.
I’ve tried to understand if this stalling period follows a pattern. The only thing I’ve figured is that I usually stop (if I’m going to stop at all) on page four. My stories tend to be between 12 and 20 pages, and for some reason, when (and if) I get to page four I get a rush that tells me I really have a story. But that’s when this thing that I don’t want to call writer’s block can set in. It’s happened this past month. The story is there in my head. I want to write it but something is holding me back. I’m editing, teaching my adult ESL students, and doing other things. Mainly, I’m taking comfort in the fact that I already have four pages.